It’s become clear by now that cloud-based services are the future for both small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) and enterprise organizations. As more and more companies start to realize the benefits of the technology, we’re seeing an increasing desire to transition video surveillance and data storage to the cloud — but this process should not be done without a strategic approach.
Organizations must consider their current technology needs, goals for security and business operations, and the future of the business, all of which are dynamic and require flexibility for a smooth transition. Hybrid cloud provides businesses with that transitional opportunity.
Hybrid cloud serves as a bridge between solely leveraging on-premise solutions and a fully cloud-based structure, acting as a stepping stone before advancement to the highest level of cloud adoption.
Hybrid cloud models offer the best of both worlds, allowing for a mix of on-premise video technology and cloud services. From an integrator perspective, this means the ability to obtain recurring monthly revenue (RMR) and to develop a long-term relationship with the customer. From an end user perspective, this means increased functionality options without compromising on feature-rich and powerful video surveillance that is critical to today’s modern organizations.
Hybrid cloud video management software (VMS) is ideal for businesses that require streamlined and efficient communication and information sharing between the company’s headquarters and satellite offices or sites — seen in markets such as healthcare, retail, and utility environments. A hybrid cloud VMS can provide several advantages for organizations, including:
- Remote and immediate access to dispersed locations. Hybrid cloud enables centralized video surveillance operations for quick access to video and other security data collected from cameras at multiple locations. This then improves incident response times and facilitates real-time insight and situational awareness in the event of an incident or a potential vulnerability at any connected site.
- Cost-effective scalability. Using a hybrid cloud VMS sets organizations up for the future, as it is cost-efficient and simple to scale the solution as businesses look to expand their surveillance operation across geographically dispersed locations. New remote sites can be easily and quickly deployed with limited IT resources needed, paving the way to a fully cloud-based solution down the road.
- Balance and flexibility. A hybrid cloud model is flexible in that workloads can be divided based on demand, creating a complementary balance between the on-prem and cloud service, such as the cloud solution taking over in the event that demand increases and exceeds the limits of an on-prem solution. Additionally, organizations can still retain control over their decision-making and data handling while benefiting from features such as automatic updates and continuous support from the cloud provider.
Today’s video and security environments require reliable and high-quality infrastructure with the ability to ease system management and remote access, and a hybrid cloud solution is designed to provide just that. Aside from its ease of use and operational benefits, perhaps most importantly, this type of VMS allows organizations to enhance risk mitigation and security efforts while also augmenting everyday business operations.
If you’re interested in harnessing the power of a hybrid cloud VMS solution, stay tuned for exciting news from Arcules. And, if you’ll be at MIPS 2020 in Dallas, schedule a meeting to meet with Arcules.